Thursday 29 August 2013

August in Warsaw

This is the first of 12 calendar posts. In each of them I'll write about importants events, historical and religious celebrations and festivals in Warsaw.

August in Warsaw/Poland

August is not only the second (and last month) of summer holidays for pupils up to the high school. In August for example we remember about the fights for freedom in Warsaw, we celebrate the Polish Army Day and celebrate Assumption of Mary.

Continue reading to learn more about August events in Warsaw.

August 1

This is one of the tragic days in Warsaw's history. On 01.08.1944 in Warsaw started a rebellion against Nazi Germany (led by Hitler) to liberate the city from the Nazi occupation. The rebellion was called The Warsaw Uprising. The uprising lasted 63 days, until 02.10.1944. During the uprising over 200.000 Polish were killed (mainly civillians) and the city suffered great damage. After Nazi won, the city was being destroyed again and around 600.000 people from Warsaw and around were forced to leave their homes.

The Warsaw Uprising started at 17:00 on first August 1944. This time is co called Godzina W ("The W Hour"). To hounour the uprising and people who fought and died during that time, every year at 17:00 on 1st August, the whole city stops. Or should stop. The people are standing still, in a silence, for one minute. The car drivers will probably honk. If you're in Warsaw, you'll know the time, because of the loud sirens across the town. 

Below, there is a film about The W Hour by Beran Gürler, a Turkish guy that loves Poland.

More about the Warsaw Uprising in the next post.

First August is an officially National Day of Remembrance of the Warsaw Uprising and is a regular work day. 

August 2

The next day is almost unknown. Starting from 2011, it's a Roma Holocaust Rememberance Day. It's an official holiday, a work day. It's mainly celebrated in Auchwitz-Birkenau death camp (near Cracow) but I thought it's important to write about it too. The official Polish name is Dzień Pamięci o Zagładzie Romów i Sinti.

August 15

On August 15 there are two Polish holidays: The Polish Army Day and The Assumption of Mary. The day is free from work and often is used by people to have a long weekend (if they take some days of leave).  

The Polish Army Day

I usually go to see celebrations of Święto Wojska Polskiego (The Polish Army Day). The main celebrations (with President, Prime Minister of Poland etc.) are by The Grave of the Unknown Soldier (Grób Nieznanego Żołnierza) in Warsaw. If you can't go there, the public TV usually has a real-life transmission from that place.

So, what's to see there? Our soldiers of course. ;) And some of our army equipment like tanks or armed cars. Or you may want to go to see a parade of soldiers and old equipment.

Below are photos and video I took near the Grób Nieznanego Żołnierza in 2012:

The Assumption of Mary Day

The other holiday is Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny (The Assumption of Mary) also called Dzień Matki Boskiej Zielnej (The Day of Herbal Mother of God). Main celebrations are in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, where there is an inscenisation of the Assumption of Mary and in Częstochowa in sanctuary of Jasna Góra.

Below photos by (Catholic Press Agency) from Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. The article about procession in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska on The Assumption of Mary Day is in Polish and from 2010, but it's worth to see the photos.

From the beginning of August walking pilgrimages (piesza pielgrzymka) from all around Poland go to Częstochowa to celebrate this day. Often, this holiday is celebrated together with harvest festival, since Virgin Mary is a patron of plants and crops. On this day it was customary to bless the flowers, crops or fields.

Last weekend/week of August

Usually around that time there are "goodbye summer" (pożegnanie lata) festivals across Poland. You can join in various games or go for a concert. And after that, on 1st September students up to high school start the new school year. 

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