Currently there is no snow and the temperature is above zero. This is not so surprising in Warsaw. There are years in which the snow and low temperature doesn't come even for Christmas. I always wish for white Christmas, but probably this year, we won't have snow either.
One of the weather forecast (you know they could be wrong) claims that the temperature until Christmas will be above zero, with only rain falls from time to time. Actually 25th December is supposed to be the warmest day in Warsaw in the next 2 weeks with a 6 degrees Celsius temperature.
Temperature below zero might be only at night (according to the forecasts) during the next 2 weeks.

It was snowing already for a few times, but since the temperature is above zero, the snow is quickly melting. unfortunately for me. I love the snowy Warsaw, especially at night. I love walking through a snowy and Christmasy-lit Warsaw at night.
I have to say, that so far December is quite warm. Good for those who aren't used to the low temperature, but not so good for those who love to have fun in the snow. Winter without the snow is not quite right for me. Actually, the cold and snowy winter is my favourite season!
Last week we had some problems in Poland with the hurricane Xaver, which was roaming in Europe. The worst time was Thursday/Friday night (05/06.12.2013). The speed of the wind was up to around 150 km/h. The worst had people living in the north, on the seaside. For few days many people had no electricity. Generally, it was advised on Friday to not go out unless necessary, because of the strong winds. It's over. The hurricane has passed (to Russia), the electricity (afaik) is now restored everywhere.
Hurricane like this is uncommon in Poland. You shouldn't be worried about such things.
Regardless of the weather now, if you plan to come to Poland during winter (starting from now) it's best to have some warm clothes with you.
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